Troy Carter tweeted the following:
"In case you missed it, the Community Lighthouse Project would help #LA02 stay cool, connected and charged after a storm. Proud to advocate for funding for this project in Congress."Read on Twitter
Here are other recent tweets from Troy Carter:
"The #CivilRightsAct was signed into law 58 years ago this week, but civil rights and freedoms are still under attack today.There is no justice for ALL until every person is EQUAL."Read on Twitter
"The people of southeast Louisiana deserve #EnvironmentalJustice.Proud to co-sponsor the Environmental Justice for All Act which would help bring long overdue justice and healing to communities suffering from industrial pollution."Read on Twitter
"Happy Independence Day! The United States has achieved and overcome so much in its 246 year history, and our story isnt done yet.Lets keep building an America that truly lives up to its ideals of freedom and justice for all. #FourthOfJuly" on July 4Read on Twitter