Troy Carter tweeted the following:
"What an incredible loss for our community. Another amazing human being has left us far to soon. Mary K. Zervigon was my friend & colleague in the Barthelmy Admin. She was a policy leader, philanthropist, & Civic leader. She will be sorely missed RIP Mary!"
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Here are other recent tweets from Troy Carter:
"It is an honor and a privilege to help constituents like the Wilson family secure their disability benefits from the Social Security Administration.
Proud to serve #LA02." on Aug. 28
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Proud to serve #LA02." on Aug. 28
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"The March on Washington demonstrated that our collective power is unstoppable. Today, on the Marchs anniversary, lets recommit to work together to achieve equality and justice for all." on Aug. 28
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"Fifty-nine years ago, on August 28, 1963, Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr, and other charismatic Civil Rights leaders held a peaceful and transformative protest the historic March On Washington. The March led to the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the VRA. #THEDREAMCONTINUES" on Aug. 28
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